Why do we hate the cable bundle but not other content bundles?

Many Americans seem to dislike cable TV quite a bit: in 2014 21% of people said they would probably or definitely cancel, up from 17% a year earlier (although very few people follow through). Pay TV companies are perennially at the bottom of customer satisfaction ratings. I would guess that the cable bundle is a big reason for this. I commonly hear the argument that people pay for a ton of channels they don't watch, but I don't hear the same argument for other bundles of content. I don't hear many people complaining about all of the Netflix titles they don't watch or songs on Spotify they don't listen to. I also don't recall my parents' generation complaining about paying for sections of the newspaper they didn't read.

To be fair, there are some major differences between these bundles. The average pay TV service costs $85 per month, while Netflix is only $9. People may feel 'forced' into paying for cable, because it is the only way to watch live sports, the local news, HBO, etc. Everything on Netflix but a few original shows is available elsewhere (and earlier). Furthermore, most Americans only have a choice of 2-3 pay TV providers in their area. Other content bundles tend to have greater choice of providers and little to no popular exclusive content. Sure, the local newspaper's content may have been 'exclusive' but there were other ways of getting the daily news, seeing sports scores, and other sources of classified ads.

Pay TV has done a wonderful job of growing the number of channels in the base bundle and passing increases in programming costs onto consumers. Also, there is essentially no choice between a basic package with a dozen or so local channels and a bundle with hundreds of channels. Netflix and Spotify are perceived as great values now, but their natural instinct is to grow their subscriber base by appealing to a broader and broader audience by acquiring or creating a wider variety of content. (For example, Netflix could add nightly news shows or live sports and Spotify could add comedy or talk radio programming.) If the existing audience doesn't find this new content compelling but is still forced to pay for it, Netflix and Spotify could find themselves where the pay TV industry is right now.