iPad apps with support for picture in picture mode was one of the things I most looked forward to when I got my new 9.7" iPad Pro. I noticed a few of my favorite video apps support this feature, but several did not. I could not find a list anywhere of what iPad apps support picture in picture, so I thought I'd create my own. This is by no means comprehensive, but includes many of the most popular free video apps on the App Store with the exception of those from network and cable TV channels (too many commercials for my taste).
iPad Apps That Support Picture in Picture
* Default Video Player
* Amazon
* HBO Go
* Hulu
* Netflix
* Showtime
* Vudu
iPad Apps With Split Screen, but no PiP
* YouTube
YouTube would be a perfect fit for PiP and it's a shame it doesn't support it, but at least it does support split-screen. Note that Pocket does support watching YouTube videos in PiP, and I frequently use this to save videos to watch later.
YouTube doesn't support PiP, but does at least support split-screen
Notable Apps Without Support
* NBC Sports
* Fox Sports
This is one of my favorite features of the new iPads and hopefully it is only a matter of time before more video apps support PiP and split-screen.